Announcing the Kickstarter campaign for the first Rumpus Movie, Happy Baby! We’re going to try to raise $85,000 so we can shoot our first movie, based on the novel Happy…
DC is traffic circles, non-working fountains in some circles’ centers, jammed downtown corridors and quiet Anacostia neighborhood streets no taxi driver wants to know after midnight. It’s Muslim taxi drivers unfurling…
I’m writing to you, Kenneth, because your review and my behavior at the Rialto Cinema are integral parts of the problem in Israel/Palestine. It’s why we both felt so scared and embarrassed: Tears of Gaza implicates us.
I remember that it was late at night and I was returning to my dorm, having just watched Ronald Reagan win re-election with an unprecedented 60 percent of the popular…
Remember (if you can) how it felt, remember Cheney (“Dick”), remember his sneer. Remember what it did to that knot in your back every time you failed to turn away…
Susan Straight takes us through the convoluted Tuesdays of election season, through family memories of the music that defined a generation, and poetry that preserves her soul in soulless times.
What if one of your worst moments as a human being was sculpted into a 16-foot-tall bronze statue and displayed in front of a shopping mall? Or a Parisian art…