There was a night last month where I couldn’t sleep. I had to be up early for another full day of screenings and filing at the Toronto International Film Festival,…
Underneath the bleeping trappings of science fiction is a domestic drama: immigrant family, fighting parents, middle-aged father with failed dreams, sensitive son, mother in denial.
Two funny women interviewed each other about their lives. They’re also sisters. They were raised like twins, best friends, by a hovering yet distracted Jewish mother and a drama-and-opera-prone psychiatrist father.
On July 1, 2010, Entourage star and eco-friendly cleaning product Adrian “Charisma” Grenier told Us Magazine “25 Things You Didn’t Know About Him,” a Proustian exercise designed to give readers…
Reading, and re-reading these poems, you’ll find lines which are so outrageous, hilarious, and true that they get lodged in your head, like songs; and, you’ll find yourself quoting the…