Poets Denise Newman and Hazel White discuss their most recent collaborative project, Biotic Portal, how they initially met, and loving their garden's "outlaws."
Scaachi Koul on her debut essay collection One Day We'll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter, learning to be patient with her own narrative, and three rules for book tours.
To exist solely now on land is to live always waiting to reenter the water—to feel soothed even by the sound of it falling. To live a life on land is to feel the loss of our former lives within our very faces.
This week, a new Maggie Shipstead story at Virginia Quarterly Review explores love, infidelity, and the ways life can slip from under your feet like an avalanche. Bonus: there is…
You see, when a man believes he has the power to grant a woman personhood by admiring her looks or her body’s use to him... he also believes he has the power to take it away. Trump believes he has this power.
At Lit Hub, Kathryn Harrison discusses her relationship with her reflection and the asymmetry in her face as she ages: Time passes, months, then years, and that bathroom mirror loses…