In a recent post about newly discovered undeveloped photos of a Shackleton expedition to Antarctica 100 years ago, we mentioned that Riverhead Books publicity director Jynne Dilling Martin is currently…
Celebrate the workers of the world with the Poetry Foundation’s list of “poems reflecting on work, responsibility, and the end of summer.” The post includes links to audio recordings of readings…
Previously, we blogged about a reading by Victoria Chang from her new poetry collection The Boss. Here’s a Q&A with Chang about that book, her approach to poetry, and her day…
Open Culture’s Josh Jones suggests listening to Sylvia Plath perform her poems out loud as a way to encounter them anew, “without the morbid celebrity baggage Plath’s name carries.” They…
The Los Angeles poet, translator, and filmmaker David Shook has created a Kickstarter campaign with the imaginative objective of purchasing an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)—i.e., a drone—to rain specially comissioned…
But writing poems allows me mastery over a miniature universe. For those moments or hours, I am God of my kingdom. No one tells me how things go. No one can argue against me when I’m writing poems. When I am writing, I get to speak.
One misconception people have about poetry is that it is written in “code,” one they aren’t smart enough to understand. In fact, if you do not comprehend a poem, you may return it.
April Fools and the beginning of National Poetry Month? Seems like a killer day to us! [April 1] marks the start of National Poetry Month, the monthlong celebration of the verse…
Rumpus Poetry Club Board Member Camille Dungy on why she chose Joseph Harrington’s Things Come On as the March selection of The Rumpus Poetry Book Club. Devastation. Conflation. Preoccupation. Disintegration.…