Dear L., You started walking about a month ago. At first, you could only make it five or six steps before losing your footing—before dropping, a bit violently, into a…
Now more than ever, NPR could use your help. Facing federal cutbacks, we rely on our listeners to donate, and we’re pleased to offer some great premiums in return for…
I love prose poems. Prose poems sacrifice the agility of line breaks for the raw power of the sentence. Poems with line breaks are undersized receivers who run intricate routes.…
“Somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond” is not only the Last Poem I Loved, it also is actually the first. The way its writer (of whom I shall elaborate later…
More accurately: the last poem I envied, and isn’t envy but one form of love? From time to time you come across a poem that makes you stop, read (once,…
I have so many friends. So many! 379, to be exact, although the number keeps fluctuating up and down by 1. Someone, or more than one someones, must be defriending…
Rumpus Poetry Club Board Member Gabrielle Calvocoressi on why she chose Harmony Holiday’s Negro League Baseball as the June selection of The Rumpus Poetry Book Club:
They hated the ending. I knew they would. They always hate the ending. “They” means my university students. “The ending” means the last chapters of Thomas Hardy’s novel Far From the Madding…