Russian journalist and novelist, Vasily Grossman, is the most humanist of writers. I found my way to him through his brilliant epic of WWII, Life and Fate. I didn’t want…
The Rumpus Book Club talks with Andrew Foster Altschul about Deus Ex Machina, Reality TV, the loss of truth, and what it’s like to visit a porn set in the name…
The UK’s Guardian runs a Poem of the Week. This week it’s ‘My Grandmother’s Opal’ by Grevel Lindop. The accompanying article is a thoughtful discussion of the piece and of…
Nick Delany turned up at a reading I gave at the Brooklyn Museum in November of 2010. He remarked, during the question and answer portion of the event, that he…
Angie is my nineteen-month-old son Charlie’s nanny. She’s been living with us since October 12, 2010. Angie is thirty years old, and is currently reading John Williams’s novel Stoner.
There are too many good writers for me to keep track of so, mostly for the sake of convenience, I categorize them: Koontz writes thrillers, Franzen does literature, King fills…
The History of Love, by Nicole Krauss, is a book within a book within a book. Like a matryoshka doll set, when you think you discover what the book is…