“It seemed like a pastime of a fairy-tale New York that had long since disappeared. But, with a little research, I realized a thriving community of pigeon-keepers still existed in…
“The act of verbally expressing pain is a necessary prelude to the collective task of diminishing pain.” – Elaine Scarry, The Body in Pain Two weeks before Christmas of last…
In stories that range through history, serendipity, speculation, whimsy, and horror, Daniel Olivas chronicles the lives of characters who have loved—and lost—Los Angeles.
“Then you’ve got Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg. He was handsome too and his eye patch debonair. He was in the German Army High Command, fought under Rommel and did lots…
(Writing wretched verse so you don’t have to since 1995) Juice Today the jury voted to “acquit” though the way the word leapt forth was the way a Southern gentleman…