16052 posts
Everything that can’t be categorized but is still wonderful!
Morning Coffee
Jim Kazanjian’s aberrations. We try to stay away from foreign language links as much as possible, but these x-rays of speech are pretty universally rad. Warhol’s Little Red Hen. If…
Ted Wilson Reviews the World #10
THE FOR SALE SIGN PLACED IN MY YARD ★★★★★ (5 out of 5) Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing the…
LA Times on Art Laboe
So there was a great piece in the LA Times last week about Art Laboe, an 84-year-old veteran radio host in Los Angeles whose long history and oldies show has…
Morning Coffee
Actually, blowing up the moon WAS successful! Guardian UK on In Cold Blood 50 years on. Don’t try and bring snow globes on an airplane. Don’t do it! Modern day…
From the Bowels of the Game Developers Conference
Joshuah Bearman has an article in the New York Times Sunday Magazine about the burgeoning independent video game developer scene. Basically, technology and distribution has enabled a do-it-yourself, ‘zine movement…
Lights in Your Throat
The 2009 music release schedule is winding down, so people have started making their arbitrary top-whatever lists. While such rankings might be more potent some years from now, when we…
Notable New York, This Week 11/16-11/22
This week in New York the Rumpus and Tin House present MORE THAN YOU EXPECTED with Rick Moody, Starlee Kine and Eugene Mirman followed by a meteor shower, Martin Amis…
Kyle Kinane’s I’m Dead and It’s All My Fault #11
I think I might be an adrenaline junkie, Doug. Well, sure, there’s still the regular junkie part too. But the meth is only fun now when I’m doing crazy shit…
Morning Coffee
Shockingly not boring: a look inside an English cardboard factory. Children’s books from Poland. WWI-era airplane detection hearing aids. Could the common cold be the trick to avoiding swine flue?…
Poetic Lives Online: Links by Brian Spears
The Rumpus has already mentioned W. S. DiPiero’s essay about walking in San Francisco from the November issue of Poetry, but there are others dealing with the same general idea…