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26 posts
Trauma as Inheritance: Adam P. Frankel’s The Survivors
The survivor is left to ponder whom he has become.
The Promise of Werfel’s Musa Dagh: Portraying Genocide in Fiction
How does a fictional account come to stand in for history?
Violence and Human Reality: Talking with Szczepan Twardoch
Szczepan Twardoch discusses his novel, THE KING OF WARSAW.
Each Story Matters: Talking with Hadley Freeman
Hadley Freeman discusses her new memoir, HOUSE OF GLASS.
This Week in Indie Bookstores
Indie bookstore news from across the country and around the world!
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project #190: R.L. Maizes
“We all fail to do the right thing some of the time.”
The Thread: Outside the Gaze
This is the story I needed as a young girl; this is the story we all need.
Racism Shouldn’t Be Shocking: Toppling American Myths
Let us teach something new to the next generation that speaks to the lessons we’ve learned.
How to Keep Calm and Carry On
Your mind doesn't play tricks on you. You play tricks on your mind.
Take the Words “Judeo-Christian” Out of Your Damn Mouth
"Everything about the term is predicated on bad faith. It needs to die."